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Jackson Rathbone talks Women, Dating and Relationsiphs

Jackson Rathbone, the actor behind the Jasper Hale character of Twilight saga talks in the Examiner about women, cheating, and how to seal the deal for a second date with him. Jackson Rathbone is a triple threat. An amazing actor, singer, and writer.

Gabrielle: What are qualities you look for in women?

Jackson: I look for a woman with a sincere smile and a love of the arts. I love being able to go out on crazy dates, like breaking into zoos after hours, so a woman who has a sense of adventure... but I also love a calm night of jamming on a beach at midnight with a bonfire, whiskey, and friends... so a woman who can hang in any situation and not get too clingy if I'm playing some music and spending time with my friends and family.

GC: In your opinion, what do men really notice about women?

JR: The way she carries herself. Many times, my friends and I will notice a girl who is beautiful, but just looks miserable in her demeanor. It's a turn-off. Life's too short.

GC: What is your ideal first date?

JR: Well, I live with the band I'm in, 100 Monkeys (, so I like to take a girl out to dinner alone, go for a walk and chat, and then come back to our "Monkey House" to see if she can hang with my friends/bandmates. If she's cool to jam some tunes with us, shoot nerf guns at my bandmates' heads, or at least not get offended when I pick up a guitar... then I know there'll be a second date.

Read the rest of interview Here.

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